We can’t say enough about our Cookie Corn. Our family has been in love with popcorn ever since mama popped our first bowl of that buttery deliciousness. One of the Baker Sisters favorite dessert is “COOKIES”. You don’t have to think too hard about who came up with the Cookie Corn recipe. She took several of her favorite cookie flavors (one flavor at a time of course 😋) and wrapped them around her favorite buttery snack and COOKIE CORN was Born!!!
Cookie Corn
The ingredients are, well, POPCORN doused in BUTTER and then Smothered in a batch of mama’s cookies all ground up. You can get out the coffee, the tea, the hot chocolate, the milk, the ice cream or just two or three digitals and go to work on that bag of Cookie Corn. Mama’s favorite flavor is the Peanut Butter and we make it by the barrel full.